Prettier in VS Code for Typescript

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15 Most Common Dream Topics

We are dreaming about something similar. Why?

Dreams are perhaps the most mysterious side of human life. Despite working on all disciplines, from philosophy to religion, from art to science, there is still a lot unknown.

Although there are many different opinions about the origin of dreams, the perspective of psychoanalysis remains widespread. According to this, dreams can be defined as bringing the subconscious material back to the level of consciousness in dreams and trying to partially relieve the consciousness by using mechanisms such as diverting, reflecting, distortion of the individual who cannot be open enough to himself.

No matter how individual dreams are, according to experts who keep dream records and produce statistics, dreams can be generalized under some headings. By thinking about the common points of the billions of dreams that 7 billion people see in their lifetime, one can learn about the world’s general concerns, problems or mental agendas.

As a result, people increase their daily lives, unable to cope and sweep them under the carpet, and thus turn them into a giant mountain of anxieties that accumulate in their subconscious.

Let’s look at the most common dreams around the world.

1) Seeing water
2) To fly
3) To fall
4) Being chased
5) To swim
6) Toilet dreams
7) Sexual dreams
8) Exam dreams
9) Dreams of tooth loss
10) Dreams about death
11) Losing control of the car
12) Dreams of nudity
13) To cry
14) Feeling threatened
15) Dreams about money.

When we look at what dreams have in common, we see an almost complete list of everyday life concerns. People’s concerns, fantasies, and even the way they distort information are largely similar.

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