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Flutter Navigation Drawer from Basic to Custom Drawer

When we creating a sample flutter app, it comes with the default scaffold. There is a option to set a drawer like below

Next inside the pubspec.yaml you need to import that asset. For that under the flutter add a assets section and image like below.

When you add drawer items inside the ListView it will scroll the all the child content when scroll. If you want to change that to keep the header part sticky and move only the below items you have to do some changes to the widget structure

You can call this method from any button and in here I added a FlatButton to the body and from there I am going to open the drawer. You can also add a custom button to AppBar and trigger like this to open a drawer.

Set key


But when you add a custom button it will lose the drawer open capability. But you can use the same old method to open the drawer programmatically by calling openDrawer method.

It pretty easy to move drawer from left to right. When you are creating a drawer in the first place, it uses drawer option in Scaffold. You just need only to change that to endDrawer and the drawer will be open from the right. Also, hamburger menu will be move to the right.

Drawer inside the Scaffold accepts Widget as a parameter. Therefore we can add custom widget without using Drawer widget inside the navigation.

In here I use Container as a main widget and wrap the other content inside that. Now when you test you will be able to see a full-screen drawer.

I hope you get a better idea about navigation drawer implementation in Flutter and how to customize the drawer as you need. If you have any questions feel free to ask from me.

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